Patricia G. Thomas, Ph.D.
Patricia G. Thomas, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies of Adelphi University. Dr. Thomas began her clinical training at the University of Chicago’s Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School, a residential treatment setting for children and adolescents. During her internship at Roosevelt Hospital, she received further training in adult, marital, and family therapy. She has expertise in neuropsychological diagnostic testing and the assessment of learning disabilities. In both testing and psychotherapy, Dr. Thomas is interested in the temperamental traits and information processing that may be part of one’s biological makeup as well as the emotional experiences that have been part of one’s history and how they come together to make up an individual’s experience of self, others, and the world. As part of an Eastern European Project sponsored by the Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute and the Children’s Mental Health Alliance, she consulted with professionals in post-Soviet Eastern European countries on problems of child trauma and abuse. Dr. Thomas conducts individual psychotherapy with children, adolescents, and adults, marital counseling and neuropsychological diagnostic testing. Dr. Thomas has been an adjunct clinical supervisor at City University of New York, Ferkauf School of Yeshiva University, and Roosevelt Hospital. In addition, she held a position as Assistant Unit Coordinator and Senior Psychologist at the Queens Hospital Center Affiliation of Long Island Jewish Hospital. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Personality Assessment, and the International Rorschach Society.
Dr. Thomas practices in Poughkeepsie and Washington Depot, Connecticut, as well as via TeleHealth.
Current Interests
Dr. Thomas is particularly interested in the ways in which the brain mediates different styles of learning and ways of experiencing the world, the field of neuropsychology. She is interested in the ways that one’s biological makeup and life experiences come together to impact an individual’s experience of self, others, and the world. She is also interested in ways in which the power of one’s mind and thought patterns can modulate emotions, like anxiety, and the importance of relationships in one’s sense of well-being. Early experiences of attachment, as they affect the ability to regulate one’s emotions and to form a sense of identity, are also an area of interest.
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